SAFD2 was created by the Alburgh Select Board in June 2004. In the fall 2004, a bond vote passed with the support of SAFD2 voters (100 yes to 17 no) for $6,900,000 to build a municipal water system in South Alburgh. Economic stress made it impossible to move forward for several years, but a scaled back Phase One project scope and advantageous State financing terms made it feasible to build. Consumer interest remained strong. SAFD2 signed an interlocal-agreement with Alburgh Village to purchase water. Construction design and planning; environmental/field reviews; and permitting were completed. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) and other State approvals were obtained. Bids were received in August 2013 and a contractor was selected. The Phase One line was built by Munson Earth Moving between October 2013 and September 2014, and runs from Alburgh Village almost to the Isle la Motte bridge, then cross lots to the Alburg Golf Links. In July 2014 SAFD2’s Permit to Operate was issued and and its first customer began receiving water. Loans from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund paid for planning and design. The VMBB funded construction. Repayment will be over 30 years at -3%, paid primarily through customer charges, with some taxation required of residents within SAFD2 boundaries. It is hoped that this first phase will be followed by expansion to all of South Alburgh. Phase II is actively bring researched for digging in 2020. |
SAFD2 Founding Documents SAFD2 Hearing Notice 3/23/2004 SAFD2 Boundary Description 3/2004 SAFD2 Boundary Map 3/2004 Alburgh Selectboard Forms SAFD2 5/25/2004 Alburgh Selectboard Order Creating SAFD2 6/8/2004 Alburgh Selectboard Elects SAFD2 Officers 7/13/2004 SAFD2 Bond Vote Warning 9/2004 SAFD2 Bond Vote Certification 10/2004 SAFD2 Permit to Operate 7/29/2014 |