SOUTH ALBURGH FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2 REGULAR MEETING Alburgh Municipal Building June 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM 1. Call to Order at 6:30 2. Agenda Adjustments 3. Approval of prior Meeting Minutes 4. Visitor Input 5. Treasurer's Report and Warrants 6. Phase II - Ordinance Motions as deemed necessary per Prudential Committee - Status of Phase 2 Expansion & Construction Plans per Tony Speranza - Facilitating Project Easements and Updates - Any other construction/engineering updates which may or may not require motions 7. Water or Operations Issues/ Phase III/ Correspondence/ Misc - Discussion on a 5-member board - Special Benefit Assessment Billing- Double up 2 fiscal years? - Date for Annual Meeting- Need to know for 30-40 day advertising 8. Adjourn